About us

Nabarde Afkar Ministriy
Some parts of our core beliefs
- We abide by the 28 fundamental beliefs of Seventh day adventist church.
- We believe we are living in the last moments of earth history.
- We believe in preaching three angel messages.
- We believe in the pen of inspiration. Both Bible and Ellen G.Whites writings.
- We believe in all 66 books of bible , old testament and new testament.
- We believe in Gospels as much as we believe in EGW writings.
What is our methods
We don't want to reinvent the wheel. A lot of good works has been done by Dr. Walter Veith and his passionate team both in Amazing discoveries in the past and now in Clash of minds. so we want to :
1. Translate "Total onslaught" series to farsi ( a comprehensive series which changes people lives and is 36 episodes)
2. Translate "Genesis conflict" which deals with Creation vs. evolution idea in a most scientific and tactful manner.
3. Translate other materials of Seventh day adventist church to Farsi.
4. Be an online resource for Persian/Farsi speakers who are seeking Jesus Christ.
About Nabarde Afkar
What is our goal
We want to spread the good news of gospel around the world for Farsi speakers. It can be people of Iran, people of Afghanistan, people of Tajikestan and wherever there are Farsi (Persian) speaking people.